Check NQS Quality Rating

Is it a good child care centre? All parents will ask the same question when they choose a child care centre for their child. Many of parents do not know that there is an official quality rating for each child care centre operating under the National Quality Framework (NQF). The rating is National Quality Standard (NQS) rating. If you want to learn more about the NQS quality rating, please click the Child Care Centres NQS Quality Rating link.


Please follow the steps below to check the quality rating of any child care centre.

  • 1. Type in a few letters into the search box below;
  • 2. Pick the child care centre name from the suggested list;
  • 3. Click on the "Check Quality Rating Now" button;
  • 4. The centre's NQS quality rating will be displayed in a table below the "Check Quality Rating Now" button.

You can compare centres by checking their quality ratings one by one. The results will appear in the same table.

Search Child Care Services By Suburb

If you want to search and compare all the child care centres in a suburb you can use the search tool provided below.


Please follow the steps below to search and compare all the child care centres in a suburb.

  • 1. Type in a few letters into the search box below;
  • 2. Pick the suburb from the suggested list;
  • 3. Click on the "Search Child Care Centres" button;
  • 4. All the child care centres in the suburb will be displayed in a table below the "Search Child Care Centres" button.

You can click on the centre name to see all the details of the centre including contact email, phone number, address etc.

Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

The NQF is being administered by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). ACECQA:

  • monitors and promotes the consistent application of the NQF across all states and territories.
  • supports the children's education and care sector to improve quality outcomes for children.
  • hosts the National Quality Agenda IT System, and publishes the Guide to the NQF and other resources.
  • undertakes several functions under the National Law and Regulations, including ongoing research and evaluation, individual and organisation qualification assessments, Excellent rating assessments, and second tier reviews of quality ratings.