Do I need to issue a new certificate for Additional Child Care Subsidy (child wellbeing) each 12-month period?
Yes. Once a child has received Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (child wellbeing) for continuous periods over 12 months, you need to issue a new certificate.
The Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS) will not allow you to apply for a further determination if the child has received ACCS (child wellbeing) for continuous periods over 12 months and a new certificate is not issued. If the child remains ‘at risk’ after six weeks on the certificate, you will then need to apply for further 13-week period determinations.
For example:
Billy attends Pink Unicorn Child Care Service and a certificate was issued for six weeks on 8 July 2019 because he was assessed as being ‘at risk’. Billy has remained on 13-week determinations continuously since then (inclusive of the Relief Package period). On 18 May 2020, Services Australia made a determination for another 13 weeks for Billy which ceases on 16 August 2020. If Billy is still considered to be ‘at risk’, the service will need to issue a new six-week certificate, from 17 August 2020, before another determination can be given.
Does a child need to use the full six weeks of a certificate before I can apply for a determination?
Yes. When you apply for a determination, the system will check to see if the child has been on a certificate for six weeks in the previous 12 months.
If the child has not been on a certificate for six weeks in the last 12 months, you will need to issue a certificate for the remaining balance of the six weeks before you can apply for a determination.
For example:
Orange Monkey Child Care Centre issued Janie a certificate for three weeks because she was assessed ‘at risk’ when she started at the service on 8 July 2019. Janie continued to be assessed as ‘at risk’ so the service applied for a determination from Services Australia for 13 weeks commencing 29 July 2019. The system checked to see if Janie had been on a certificate for six weeks in the previous 12 months. In this case, only three weeks of the certificate was used. The service must issue a certificate for the remaining balance of the six weeks before they can apply for a determination.