CCS News

If you don’t confirm your 2018–19 income by 31 March, you’ll lose your Child Care Subsidy

Did you get Child Care Subsidy for 2018-19?

If you got Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for the 2018-19 financial year, you must confirm your income. If you haven’t, do it now.

If you don’t confirm your income by 31 March 2021, your CCS will reduce to 0%. This means you’ll need to pay full fees when you access child care.

The deadline for confirming your income was extended from 30 June 2020 to 31 March 2021 because of COVID-19.

If you confirm your income after 31 March 2021 we can start your CCS again.

But if there’s a gap between your CCS stopping and starting again, you’ll miss out on CCS for that time.

Letters were sent to families in February 2021 asking them to confirm their income.

How to confirm your income

You don’t need to call or visit Services Australia to confirm your income.

You need to either:

  • lodge your tax return with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • tell us you don’t need to lodge one and confirm your income online.

If you have a partner, they’ll need to do this too. If you separated during the year, Services Australia will also need your ex-partner’s income.

To check if you need to lodge a return, use the Do I need to lodge a tax return? tool on

If you’ve lodged your tax return, the ATO will send Services Australia your income information. Services Australia usually get this within 28 days from when you get your Notice of Assessment.

If you or your partner don’t need to lodge a tax return, you need to let Services Australia know.

You must do this, even if you’ve told the ATO that you don’t need to lodge. You can do this and confirm your income for the year using either your:

  • Centrelink online account through myGov
  • Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Where to find more information

For more information about Child Care Subsidy go to