CCS rates have increased in line with the Consumer Price Index.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rates are adjusted each July based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous December.
The following rates will take effect the first day of the CCS fortnight, which is 11 July 2022:
Combined annual income
The amount of CCS a family can get depends on their combined annual income.
New CCS family income thresholds
Subsidy %
Up to $72,466
More than $72,466 to below $177,466
Decreasing to 50%Subsidy gradually decreases by 1% for each $3000 of family income.
$177,466 to below $256,756
$256,756 to below $346,756
Decreasing to 20% Subsidy gradually decreases by 1% for each $3000 of family income.
$346,756 to below $356,756
$356,756 or more
Hourly rate cap
The maximum hourly rate we subsidise is based on the type of service.
Service type
New hourly rate cap (children below school age)
New hourly rate cap (school-aged children)
Centre Based Day Care
Outside School Hours Care
Family Day Care
In Home Care (per family)
The 26-week rule
The 26-week rule has started. Children who haven’t used care at least once in the previous 26 weeks will no longer be eligible for CCS. Families can submit a new claim if their child recommences care.
Allowable absences
Allowable absences have reset. Children have 52 absences for the 2022–23 financial year.
Higher CCS for combined families
Combined families can now get the higher CCS.
The higher CCS recognises diverse family circumstances, including combined families. A combined family is where each parent or carer gets CCS for different children in their family.
The Child Care Subsidy System is being enhanced to recognise combined families from July 2022.
Services Australia will backpay the higher subsidy amount to affected families for the period March to July.
Some combined families may notice a higher rate from March 2022. This will occur if one member of the couple is CCS-eligible for more than one child age 5 or under in care. Services Australia will reassess the family’s eligibility as a whole from July 2022 and backpay any higher subsidy due for the period between March and July.
Combined families who want to get the higher subsidy before July 2022 can choose one member of the couple to claim CCS for all children. That individual will need to make a new CCS claim. Families should do this as soon as possible because claims can only be backdated for a maximum of 28 days.
If a family takes up this option, you must update the family’s enrolments. Enrolments must reflect the individual who is now claiming CCS for all children.
Combined families do not have to take up this option. They can simply wait until July 2022 to get the higher subsidy rate. These families will be back paid their full higher subsidy entitlement for the period March to July.